Khan Academy – The Downside

Many of us know of The Khan Academy already; a place to view tutorial videos on secondary school mathematics. The Washington Post recently published an article citing many of the pitfalls to learning via videos such as the ones in Khan Academy.   I think the videos offered by The Khan Academy are typically of a pretty reliable quality, but it is healthy to keep in mind that technology alone is [...]

Five Jobs that Don’t Exist Yet

  Back to school next week.  Here's a nice little piece of reading to infuse into your thoughts to begin the new semester. When I was at high  school, the standard line trotted out to us at parent information evenings and during career education was that a significant percentage of us would find themselves employed in jobs that didn't exist yet.  Given the nature of the work I do now, I [...]

LINK: Will Richardson on the role of technology in Lifelong Learning

For those who attended our workshops this week, here's a nice bit of reading on why it's so important that teachers immerse themselves in the world of online networks, web publishing, and deliberately managing digital reputations. Richardson suggests that the visibility & transparency that comes with being "Googleable" is a really solid first step towards modelling the kinds of positive online contributions we'd all love to see our students engaging in. [...]

Socrative | Student Response System | App for iPad

Socrative | Student Response System | Audience Response Systems | Clicker | Clickers | Student Clickers | ARS | Mobile Clicker | Software Clicker. My Room # Socrative is a smart student response system that lets you easily and quickly create and conduct quizzes. You can start an instant quiz to ask multi-choice, true/false or short answer question from your presentation. Or you can create and save your own online quizzes. [...]

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