Reflection App for mobile iPad Presentations

If you present using an iPad often, you have probably encountered issues with projecting your image for your audience to see. Many classrooms have a computer connected to a projector already, so to project an iPad means you have to disconnect the computer, and connect your iPad using an iPad adapter. Not too difficult in itself, but it does mean that the portable iPad is now anchored to the desk at [...]

AirPrint for iPad

If you are looking for a way to print from your iPad, it can be a little tricky trying to find a printer that does the job. AirPrint Activator from NetPuting is a great way for getting this done fairly easily. It's not ideal for large scale (Schools, Corporations, etc), but for single classroom or home it works brilliantly. We trialed it at ACEC Perth 2012 and it worked without any issues.  

Sharing files on iOS devices

I was recently given the challenge of compiling video from multiple iPads into a single device's Camera Roll so that an iMovie could be made. If anyone has tried to do this, you will appreciate just how challenging this is. While iCloud and PhotoStream allow for the sharing of photos amongst my own devices, there did not seem to be any easy solution for having multiple users collaborate by filming footage [...]

New dropbox sharing options

        The ability to share folders with people using Dropbox has been a life saver. However, this only works if the other person has Dropbox. I find most people these days have the service, but it's still a little awkward setting up a shared folder with them if the content you are sharing is only temporary. Now, the ability to share a link to a folder instead, and [...]

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