Schoology | Learn. Together.

Schoology | Learn. Together.. Schoology is a learning management system (LMS) and social network that makes it easy to create and share academic content. It's like Facebook but without any of the hassles. There is even an iOS app for it. You can quickly create a School, class and a course for your students to complete. Give it a try and let us know your thoughts. JS

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A Timeline: Tool Set – Skill Set – Mind Set | Langwitches Blog

A Timeline: Tool Set – Skill Set – Mind Set | Langwitches Blog. Sylvia explores the SAMR model and points out that what is need for 21st Century teaching and learning is not just a tool set or a skill set, but a mind set. Teachers need a change of mind set to see how the world has changed, flattened, become interconnected and to understand that students now learn in new ways.

Categories: Pedagogy|Tags: |

Grattan Institute

Grattan Institute The world's centre of high performance in school education is now East Asia. What can we learn from their experiences? Read the summary report to see what is giving these school systems the leading edge. What would you like to implement in our schools?  

Categories: Pedagogy, Thinking|Tags: |
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