tubalr – Bodacious Video Curation

'Tubular' is a term I tend to associate with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but it turns out tubalr is also an awesome web service for compiling and sharing YouTube videos. I came across this tool several months ago, and have been using it as a kind of online jukebox ever since.  I had been typing a musician's name into the search box and listening to whatever YouTube videos came up.  After [...]

The Future of Maths?

As a mathematics teacher, it always used to frustrate me that people seemed to increasingly rely on a calculator to do what could be accomplished in their head. Even if the answer requires more accuracy that can reasonably be accomplished mentally, the process of approximating a solution seems to be becoming a 'lost art'. The QAMA is a scientific calculator that won't give you a true answer until you have offered [...]

Khan Academy – The Downside

Many of us know of The Khan Academy already; a place to view tutorial videos on secondary school mathematics. The Washington Post recently published an article citing many of the pitfalls to learning via videos such as the ones in Khan Academy.   I think the videos offered by The Khan Academy are typically of a pretty reliable quality, but it is healthy to keep in mind that technology alone is [...]

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